Technology building update presented to Board of Trustees

At its Oct. 24 meeting, the Panola College Board of Trustees received an update on the proposed new technology building, along with renderings of what the interior and exterior will look like.
David Zatopek of Corgan Architects and Clint Harris of Jacobe Brothers Construction attended the meeting and presented the updates.
The structure is expected to be approximately 30,000 square feet with an additional 25,000 square feet of outside work space.
Housed inside the building will be a welding lab and engines and compression lab, along with shops and classrooms for commercial wiring, electrical and motor control, instrumentation, hydraulics and mechanical, and HVAC.
The building will sit east of the Charles C. Matthews Foundation Student Center, allowing easy access for students, and will be visible when traveling east on West Panola Street.
Jacobe Brothers Construction is working toward presenting a guaranteed maximum price to the Board of Trustees for the building. Following approval, construction will take approximately one year.