Panola College Fiscal Services provides budget and accounting services to manage the financial resources of the College.
Fiscal Services helps develop the annual budgets and monitors them throughout the year providing financial information to the administration, faculty, and staff to assist them in the management of the College's resources. The office also administers purchasing, travel, payroll, and contract services.
Business Office
Panola College Business Office is committed to provide excellent customer service to the students whom we serve, vendors who provide services to us, and to the employees, our Panola College family, with whom we work daily.
Student Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable Office is responsible for:
- Collecting student tuition and fees
- Collecting outstanding balances
- Addressing student questions and concerns related to their student account activity
- Disbursing refund checks
Panola College
Student Accounts Receivable
1109 West Panola Street
Carthage, Texas 75633
Phone: 903-693-2082
Fax: 903-693-1122
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable Office is responsible for:
- Payment of all vendors' invoices
- Processing purchase orders and requisitions
- Payment and processing of travel reimbursements
Panola College
Accounts Payable
1109 West Panola Street
Carthage, Texas 75633
Phone: 903-693-1140
Fax: 903-693-1122
Facility and Equipment Use Agreement
Panola College offers several locations on campus available for community and personal events:
- Q.M. Martin Auditorium
- E.R. Hedges Studio
- A.J. Gymnasium
- Fitness Center
- Sid B. Turner Chapel
- Charles C. Matthews Foundation Student Center
- Media Room
- France B. Ross Ballroom (A)
- Frances B. Ballroom (B)
- M.P. Baker Library Foyer
- Community Room (A) Murphy
- Community Room (B) Payne
- Conference Room
- Other

The award of Financial Reporting Achievement is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association to the individual designated as instrumental in their government unit achieving a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. A Certificate of Achievement is presented to those government units whose annual financial reports are judged to adhere to program standards and represents the highest award in government financial reporting.
The Panola College Fiscal Services office has proudly earned this award since 1994.