Student organizations are designed to aid in developing the social and vocational skills of individuals. Organizations are chartered by the Student Government Association and operate with the advice of faculty and administrators.


Concert Band

The main band of the college gives players an enjoyable and enlightening playing experience. It performs a wide range of music from popular selections to more advanced works for concert band, presents concerts on campus, plays for athletic events, and at area functions.

Stage Band

The smaller of two college bands, this band gives the student experience in popular music, jazz, and modern stage band literature. Enrollment is limited.

  • Sponsor: Dwaine Hubbard email: 903-693-2027

Baptist Student Ministry

The Baptist Student Ministry is a Christian campus organization that provides opportunities and resources for spiritual growth, making friends, leadership, service, and missions. Our building (BSM House) is located at 505 Bird Drive, right across from campus. 

The BSM exists primarily to encourage Panola College students to seek God and follow Christ all the days of their lives. Our mission is to equip students to reach our campus and the world by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We value learning God’s Word, the Bible, and applying it to our lives. We would love to help you build meaningful friendships and to get involved in a local church near you. Our doors are open to all. We hope to see you soon! Contact us today for more information

  • BSM Director: Gary Davis email:
  • Faculty Sponsor: Emily Zabcik email:

Caddo Club

Students interested in outdoor recreation, ecology, and the historical and current impact of man on the environment will find a variety of opportunities in this organization. Guest speakers, field trips, campouts, and recycling projects are among the activities enjoyed by members of this club.

  • Co-sponsors: Christina Parrott email: 
  • Co-sponsors: Sheila Ritter email:  903-693-1111



Membership in the Chorale is open to all Panola College students upon approval of the director. The Chorale presents fall, Christmas, and spring concerts, attends choral festivals, visits area schools, and goes on tour.

Panola Pipers

This small choir performs fully staged choreographed shows. Widely acclaimed for exciting routines, they perform for service clubs, hospitals, and schools and are featured annually at the Texas State Fair. Their dinner theater production, "Christmas in Carthage," has become an outstanding community event.

  • Sponsor: Sandra Bauer email:  903-693-2061

Delta Psi Omega

This organization is devoted to an interest in drama, and is open to all students who are active in drama or dramatic productions.

  • Sponsor: Kimberley Funderburk email: 903-693-2064

Gaming Club

The Gaming Club exists to provide a community where the gamers of Panola College can congregate. The club owns and utilizes a wide range of gaming consoles and games. 

  • Sponsor: Texas E. Reardon IV email:  903-693-2024

Green Jackets

This group is the oldest organization on campus and has a long history of service to Panola College and the community. Membership comes through nomination by faculty and through a rigid selection process. The outstanding men and women of this student organization serve as goodwill ambassadors for Panola College, providing both leadership and service.

  • Sponsor: Katie Ferris email:  903-693-2094
  • See also: Jody Harris email:  903-693-2011

2023-2024 Green Jackets

Green Jackets

History Club

The History Club promotes interest in the study of history and historical events, provides fellowship among students and faculty, and provides a forum for discussion and presentation of innovative ideas with respect to the subject of history.

  • Sponsor: Bill Offer email: 903-693-2047

Phi Beta Lambda

The purpose of Phi Beta Lambda is to provide an organization on campus for business students that develops leadership, communication, and teamwork.

  • Sponsor: Dwayne Ferguson email: 903-693-2066

Phi Theta Kappa

This international honor fraternity recognizes junior and community college students who have attained high scholastic achievements. Membership is by invitations to those who qualify. Learning, society, and service activities are scheduled throughout the year.

  • Co-Sponsor: Tamra Mothershed email: 903-693-2070
  • Co-Sponsor: Jaynellen Wylie email: 903-693-2063
  • For more information please email: 

Sigma Alpha Pi (National Society of Leadership & Success)

The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Panola College was started in 2016. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members. 

Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. As of 2021 we have 459 members who have access to:

The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Hear directly from current members as they share how their experience has changed their life.

If you become a member, some of the other benefits are:

  • Learn from exceptional leaders like former President Barack Obama during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts.
  • Meet new friends and make lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually).
  • Overcome challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success.
  • Access to private networking events.

Visit the NSLS website to learn more about and accept your nomination. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Some of the common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, visit to chat with a team member or email

What do I have to do to become inducted?

Our five-step program takes approximately 12 hours over the course of the semester at your pace. 

Is this recognized on campus?

We are a Registered Student Organization (RSO). As of 2021, we had 459 in our chapter and there are more than 1.4 million members nationwide.

  • Sponsor: Corey Johnson email: 903-693-2051

SMACC (Social Modern Asian Culture Club)

The purpose of SMACC is for students to share a better understanding and appreciation for Asian Animation, or as it is better known, anime or manga.

  • Sponsor: Corey Johnson email: 903-693-2051

Student Government Association

Composed of elected students, this organization assists in planning and presenting student activities. It serves as a link between the student body, the administration, and the faculty. It is a voice for student rights and opinions on campus. The Student Government Association is a member of the Texas Junior College Student Government Association. 

Want updates on SGA? Download our Remind App and join our Remind Group. It's free!

Region 3 Website

Remind App class code: @panolasga

Sponsor: Aaron Williams email:  903-693-1176

Sponsor: Brian Naples  903-693-2043

SOTA (Student Occupational Therapy Assistant)

This community service club is open to all students enrolled in the Occupational Therapy Assistant program, all students declaring OTA as their major, and all OTA Program alumni. The purpose of this club is to unite the OTA students, future students, and alumni and broaden their intellectual and professional skills through community service projects.

  • Sponsor: Jessica Rittenberry email: 903-694-4000