Fay Allison Gallery Exhibits

Fay Allison Gallery Exhibit Schedule 2024-2025: Located in the M.P. Baker Library in Carthage, Texas
August 26-October 4Gavin Gilmore - Artist Show
October 9-November 20Running for Office - Humanities Texas Traveling Exhibition
December 2-January 17Panola's Picassos - High School Scholarship Art Contest
Marshall Place Gallery Exhibit Schedule 2024-2025: Located in Marshall Place in Marshall, Texas

Drama Performances

Drama Performances Schedule 2024-2025
October 11-13Dinner TheatreE.R. Hedges Studio Theatre
November 2-3'Harvey' PerformanceQ.M. Martin Auditorium
November 15-17KCACTFQ.M. Martin Auditorium
February 22 | 10 a.m.'The Sweet Science of Bruising' PerformanceQ.M. Martin Auditorium
February 22 | 2 p.m.'DIRT' PerformanceQ.M. Martin Auditorium
March 2 | 1 p.m.'The Sweet Science of Bruising' PerformanceQ.M. Martin Auditorium
March 2 | 4 p.m.'DIRT' PerformanceQ.M. Martin Auditorium
April 5 | 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.Children's ShowQ.M. Martin Auditorium
May 4-6Student Direct One-ActsQ.M. Martin Auditorium and Studio


Instrumental & Vocal Performances

Music Performances Schedule 2024-2025
DateDayPerformanceTimeEnsemble Venue
October 17ThursdayBand Concert7:00pmBandQ.M. Martin Auditorium
October 29TuesdayChoir Concert7:00pmChoirFrances B. Ross Ballroom
November 7ThursdayStudent Recital12:30pmMUAP StudentsMurphy-Payne Room
December 3TuesdayChristmas in Carthage7:00pmBand & ChoirCarthage Civic Center
January 31FridayLion's Club Show6:15pmBandTBA
March 6ThursdayChamber Music7:00pmBandFrances B. Ross Ballroom
April 8TuesdayFaculty Recital7:00pmMusicMurphy-Payne Room
April 17ThursdayStudent Recital12:30pmMUAP StudentsMurphy-Payne Room
April 22TuesdayJazz on the Quad6:00pmJazz Band & PipersQuad
April 29TuesdayChoir Concert7:00pmChoirFrances B. Ross Ballroom
May 4SundayBand Concert3:00pmBandQ.M. Martin Auditorium

Extra performances such as Pipers, Drumline, Woodwind, and Brass Ensemble performances will be added to the Fine Arts Calendar as they are scheduled. Basketball Pep Band will perform at all Conference home games after students have arrived for the spring semester. A schedule of all performances will be found on the Concert Band Syllabus page in Canvas at the beginning of each Semester.

Panola College Drum Major Camp

Come join the 5th Annual Military Drum Major Camp from June 15-19!