Visual arts holds annual high school art competition

Panola College visual arts hosted its annual high school art competition, Panola’s Picassos, and displayed 28 entries from Carthage, Gary, and Panola Early College High Schools. A closing reception was held on May 7 in the M.P. Baker Library and awards were presented to the top artists.
Carthage High School students Christian Langifelter, Luis Alvarado, Layla Plaisance received first, second, and third place. The Picasso's Pick best of show, Ivy Rodriguez of Carthage High School, received an art supplies basket valued at $150, and Caleb Commiato of Panola Early College High School received honorable mention. Commiato, Langifelter, and Plaisance, all high school seniors, were each awarded a $500 art scholarship.
Additionally, visual arts partnered with the Marshall Regional Arts Council for its annual Mini Monet art competition, inviting Harrison County students to submit their art. Approximately 75 students participated, and Marshall High School seniors Alyssa Helton, Jonathan Janvier, and Malachi Baird were each awarded a $500 art scholarship.
“Both the Panola's Picassos and Mini Monet events are growing, and it is always such a delight to view all of the amazing talent in our surrounding school districts,” said Amanda Clements, professor of fine arts at Panola College. “The goal is to build strong relationships with our area schools and to engage and invest in the future artists of our community.”