College announces 2022-2023 Academic Excellence Award recipients
Panola College is proud to announce the Academic Excellence Award recipients for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The Academic Excellence Awards were created by Charles Moore, a math professor at Panola College for many years. Moore’s goal was to acknowledge students who excelled academically and recognize them with an award for their accomplishments.
Each department or field of study nominates students who meet select criteria. The student must have, or be completing, 30 hours of coursework and be enrolled in two courses relating to the field in which they are nominated.
The recipients of the 2022-2023 Academic Excellence Awards are listed below, followed by the field of study in which they are nominated and their professor.
Isabella Aguilar, English, Jaynellen Wylie
Ester Alvarez, English, Tamra Mothershed
Kyla Bell, Medical Lab Technology, Antiquene Nichols
Izabely Benjamin, Kinesiology, Nicole McCray
Scott Eddins, Drama, Karen King
Luna Franca, Kinesiology, Nicole McCray
Waybelon Gomez, Criminal Justice, Mark Dickerson
Jaden Gray, Government, Brian Naples
Linzhi Hailey, History, Bill Offer
Luisa Hoffmann, Kinesiology, Nicole McCray
Liam Holloway, Music, Sandra Bauer
Gracie Johnson, Government, Brian Naples
Ashlyn Jones, Associate Degree Nursing, Annissa Jackson
Bindira Ladiwala, Business Administration, Dwayne Ferguson
Makhai Lewis, English, Tamra Mothershed
Kristen Lynch, Associate Degree Nursing, Annissa Jackson
Kayla Mayo, Associate Degree Nursing Transition, Annissa Jackson
Danielle Moon, Medical Lab Technology, Antiquene Nichols
Rebecca Faith Parrott, History, Bill Offer
Sherry Pelsia, Health Information Technology, Lynn Hanson
Hannah Peters, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Jessica Rittenberry
Riliegh Powell, English, Tamra Mothershed
Addison Putman, Biology, Kevin Rutherford
Ruth Rodriguez, General Business, Dwayne Ferguson
Tania Suaste, Criminal Justice, Mark Dickerson
Heather Schmidt, Health Information Technology, Lynn Hanson
Marlin Shofner, Mathematics, Chasity Klingler
Dianna Soto, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Jessica Rittenberry
Monica Uba, Biology, Kevin Rutherford
Dawson Windham, Drama, Karen King