Panola College hosts ‘Women in Energy’ event

Panola College hosted its annual ‘Women in Energy’ event on Wednesday, April 27, bringing to campus junior and senior female students from Beckville, Center, Gary, Shelbyville, and Timpson Independent School Districts. The event was an opportunity for students to learn about the energy industry and the possible career paths available to them.
“It was great to see all of these students on campus and learning about what the energy industry has to offer,” said Natalie Oswalt, Dean of Arts, Sciences, & Technology at Panola College. “We hope the students left the event with the knowledge that this path is an option available to them as they look toward their futures after high school.”
Students had the opportunity to interact with female representatives from a number of companies, including Eastman, Estis, Holt Cat, JW Power, Texas Floor, and Yellowjacket. In addition to meeting the representatives, students were guided on a tour of the Panola College campus and took part in activities in the School of Energy’s lab.
Panola College and the School of Energy would like to thank each industry partner as well as the high schools that brought students to the event.